Saturday, October 6, 2007


Hey Folks~

Been a short while since the last posting, I do apologize but as life gets busy... you know what I mean.

Anyhoot, Now's the time to enjoy the fall weather and get a ride in, lots of rides in, as the weather is cool/crisp, and the heat is reduced by a nice breeze This coming Saturday - Oct 13 - we're going to ride along Tramway from South to North and right before scooting around the corner and downhilling-it to I-25 we'll climb up to our turn-around point at the base of the La Luz Trail. Yep, some climbing is in order, and not too-difficult a grade to surmount over the mile-or-two distance. So for those amiable, here are the specifics:

Ride: Out and Back to La Luz trailhead
Where from: Formerly Raley's store parking lot, Lomas just West of Tramway
Assemble: 6:45a
Leave: By 7:05a
Pace: 14-25mph along Tramway, then whatever crawl-ascend can be mustered up to the trailhead.

We should conclude our ride by Mid-Morning (10am-ish) and be avail for whatever our weekend plans are. This ride was selected for it's length and climb, wide-shoulder both N & S, and the probable lack of Balloon-tourist traffic that would prove contentious elsewhere while still allowing a view of the balloons if they would be drifting South.
Any questions/comments, post in the comments section and I'll fill you in.

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